Committee to Re-elect Judge Thompson
P.O. Box 261 Springville, NY 14141
Ronald F Thompson was elected to the Sardinia Municipal Court on November 2, 2010.
The Sardinia Town Court is one of 36 Town and Village Courts in Erie County, New York. This court has jurisdiction over vehicle and traffic matters, small claims, evictions, civil matters and criminal offenses. The court is located within the 8th Judicial District and the 4th Judicial Department.
In addition to his regular duties on the bench, Judge Thompson has made significant changes to the judicial processes in Sardinia through the use of technology, recording every hearing and court case to increase transparency in government. His emphasis on court safety and procedure has proven his concerns for state law and his implementation of Treatment Court instead of jail time for Veterans.
A thirty year resident of Sardinia, Judge Thompson resides with his wife, Lynn, on a twenty acre horse farm. Passionate about his community, he is a member of Kiwanis, developing the KEAP program for abused women and children. He was recently elected co-chairman of Buffalo SCORE, where he mentors small businesses and entrepreneurs.
When he is not on the bench, Judge Thompson is CEO of TCC/PFM, a business consulting firm that takes him all over the country, guiding new enterprises and giving seminars about success.
MBA, International Business & Finance, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia PA
BS, Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Systems, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
- Quality Control TQM, TQC Engineer
- Commercial II Standby Generator
- ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch); GE, Generac, ASCO
- VoIP Programming; SIP & GUI
- OSHA; Trainer Fork Lift Operator
New York State
- Water Well Drilling/Service